Initiatives in Art and Culture (IAC) stands with Toby Pomeroy and Mercury Free Mining (MFM), an initiative that exists to create a mercury-free gold supply chain. Over 15 million members of the artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) community in developing countries eke out a meager existence without an alternative to using toxic mercury as part of their gold-extraction process.

MFM exists to find a solution to this ever-growing problem -- the daily inadvertent release of 12,000 pounds of this permanent, potent neurotoxin into the environment by the ASGM sector and to mitigate mercury’s toxic effects on the miners, their communities, and the atmosphere, including the bodies of water it contaminates. IAC encourages you to support Mercury Free Mining in its quest to provide equity, inclusion and a better future for millions in the ASGM sector.

To learn more about the organization and support its cause, go to

By Published On: December 21st, 2022Categories: Gold + Diamonds, Past IAC ConferencesComments Off on Celebrating Toby Pomeroy and Mercury Free Mining